Once upon a time, I believed...
- the only thing stopping me was me
- acknowledging my “negative” thoughts and feelings would attract more negativity my way
- I felt everything too deeply and was too sensitive
→ Ever channelled T-Swift with “hi, it’s me - I’m the problem, it’s me”?
Well, I’m not the problem, and you’re def not either...
In this 90-minute EFT tapping workshop, I’ll let you in on what the problem actually is, including…
- 3 ways you're being gaslit by self-help
- what your thoughts are really a reflection of
- how to have your cake and eat it too when it comes to creating personal change that lasts
The Experience
You’ll come away from this workshop with a clear understanding of why self-help isn’t actually helping.
AND you’ll also get an extended EFT tapping session, working with your mind + body
... so what you *know* becomes something you know. Ya know?
Heyyyy, I'm Jacqui
Former butt clencher, highly sensitive enneagram 8, woo-skeptical turned woo-adjacent, book nerd…
I’m here to help you stop being so damn hard on yourself. Because let’s be honest → if being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now.
White knuckling your thoughts (aka “mastering your mindset"), toxic positivity, and mainstream self-help overpromised and underdelivered.
You’ve been perfecting and performing your whole life, and you’re 'effing tired of it all. ME TOO.
I became my fave version of myself, and you can too.
Join me for this LIVE experience
and FREE EFT Tapping session
You'll walk away loving who you already are while believing in who you’re still becoming...
(Limited-time replay available if you can't join live)
*By joining you consent to receive really great emails from me (Jacqui Acree).
If you're not feeling it, you can unsubscribe at any time.
LIVE on Monday, September 25th
at 1 PM Pacific Time!
... with Jacqui Acree, Certified Advanced EFT Tapping Practitioner
DISCLAIMER Jacqui Acree offers services in this tapping series based on her background as a certified Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner. Jacqui is not a licensed therapist, and EFT is not a substitute for psychotherapy or medical treatment. If there is any concern with regard to participation in these recordings or live sessions, please discuss with a medical or mental health professional prior to engaging. By participating in these recordings, you take full responsibility for your experience.
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