christmas in july!

My gift to you  

Take tapping for a test drive

Sometimes you've just gotta experience something for yourself.

So let's do it.

This short EFT tapping session is #5 in the 10-session Happyish Holidays series.

EFT tapping Happyish Holidays
Libby Langley

I was completely new to tapping...

Jacqui helped me see not only how easy and accessible it is, but how it works so brilliantly to change whatever shit's going on in your head into something much calmer.

♥  Libby Langley - author, speaker, podcast host, and business strategist



EFT tapping Happyish Holidays

Notice how much better you feel after only 10 minutes?

Snag lifetime access to all 10 sessions at 60% off

(offer ends Monday, July 22)

My (un)official bio

Non-woo EFT tapping practitioner, straight talker, laughter lover…

I'm here to demystify tapping, debunk manifestation BS, and help you get clarity + forward movement towards what you really want in life and business...without toxic positivity or gaslighting yourself.


Voted most likely to say out loud what others are thinking; least likely to stay quiet when someone needs to be told off.



Got a podcast or group you wanna pitch me with?

Send me an email and let's see if we're a fit.
photo of Dani

I asked Jacqui to join my recent summit as a guest expert - and she knocked it out of the park.

While I didn't know her or her work overly well at our initial moments, I knew she was a highly regarded and experienced EFT practitioner and someone who I was confident would deliver for my audience.


And without hesitation, that's exactly what she did (the glowing responses I got from our 2,000-attendee event confirm this!)

Jacqui has a way of making tapping accessible and less intimidating for everyone, and she brings a calming presence and mental clarity into her delivery. She even did market research on my audience to make sure she was delivering exactly what they needed, and it felt rare to find a speaker who combined their professional expertise with such genuine care for my audience's needs.


Thanks for bringing such light to our event, Jacqui!

♥  Dani Paige, copy mentor for course creators + copywriters


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